One such slave, a recent capture known in popular folklore as The Nameless, won his freedom when he showed potential as a fighter. Each gladiator received some gold and a basic dagger, but most would die within days of their release. With so many of Brandor’s greatest fighters dying on the sands so fast and so often, Emperor Antares pressed slaves into gladiatorial service with vague promises of their freedom. These slaves were kept in terrible conditions in a catacomb of tunnels under the Imperial Colosseum. Even more were brought to the island as slaves, shedding blood and sweat building the mighty colosseums. Gladiatoral combat took place day and night, drawing thousands to the island in search of glory on the arena sands. Antares had six new arenas built, each grander than the last.
Under the rule of the enigmatic Emperor Antares, the island of Doomtrek’s popularity and notoriety exploded.